What’s Happening in Jal

Jal High Theatre students to perform Back to the 80s musical School
Jal High Theatre students to perform Back to the 80s musical School By John Earp Jal School District will be hosting its first musical next week, February 6th, 7th, and 8th, at 7:00 p.m. This will be the first musical put on by Jal Schools that anyone can recall....

Flores knew Jal was God’s will
Flores knew Jal was God’s will By John Earp After over a year of being without a pastor, James Flores has been called by the congregation of First Baptist Church of Jal as their new pastor. Flores says he realized it was God’s will for him, his wife and his sons to...
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What will happen to those who pursue a sinful life
What will happen to those who pursue a sinful life By John Earp Jude, a bond-servant of Jesus...