Nine candidates for three Jal School Board seats

By John Earp

According to the website of the New Mexico Secretary of State, the following candidates have filed for the upcoming general election November 7th. For Jal City Council, all at large: Cloyd Donald Smith (incumbent), Larry Burns, Rebekah Dee Richard (incumbent), Amelia Trevino (incumbent), Frederick Charles Seifts IV (incumbent currently filling out last few months of Jody O’Briant’s term), and Julia E. Watson.

Those who have filed for candidacy for the Jal Board of Education are: David L. Gaytan, Jaime Lee Earp (incumbent), Rene Cervantes, Larry Burns, Rebekah Dee Richard, Randy P. Chavez, Jenny Leigh Edwards (incumbent), Kayla Rae Lujan (incumbent), and Cruz-Martin Melchior Sanchez.

Of note, the rule was recently changed to where all school board seats are now at large, with the top three vote-getters being declared winner this time around for the Jal School Board.

Candidates declared to be running for Jal Hospital District Board are: W. Stephen Aldridge (incumbent), Rebecca D. Jamison, and Jimmie L. Ellison (incumbent). All Hospital District Board candidates are running unopposed

Dennis Allen has declared his intention to run for the office of Municipal Judge in Jal.

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