Kids’ Christmas Program a big success

By John Earp

Tuesday evening in the Jal Elementary School Cafeteria, the first and second graders put on their very cute and fun Christmas program, “How the Penguins Saved Christmas.” Billed as “A Fine-Feathered Musical for Young Voices,” the show was written by Teresa Jennings. An estimated crowd of at least 200 parents and family members was in attendance. Ms. Terri Ragland, who is set to retire at the end of the school year, was the director. Songs included, “This Elegant Christmas Time,” “Who Can This Stranger Be,” “Remember,” “Kazoo Fanfare” and “Shout.” Violet Maes and Skylar Valdez served as solo vocalists on “Remember.” About 50 students participated in the musical, according to Ms. Ragland, who added, she was “So proud of these kids.”

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