
03/29/24 Edgar Loerenzo Fuentes, possession paraphernalia misdemeanor, criminal trespass misdemeanor

03/30/24 Jose Antonio Sanchez-Sanchez, fugitive from justice civil

Police Beat


Twenty-one security checks

Three traffic stops

Traffic complaint Hwy 18 MM 22

Medical (breathing problem) 810 Poplar St

Child abuse 605 N 5th

Four traffic stops

Unwanted subject 307 S 6th St

Traffic stop

Medical (other) Minnesota/3rd


Nineteen security checks

Two traffic stops

Crash with injury Battle Axe and Hwy 128

Medical (patient transfer) 805 W Kansas Ave

Suspicious activity 604 E Kansas Ave

Traffic complaint Kansas and 3rd

Traffic stop

Animal at large Hwy 18

Animal problem 511 S 6th St

Two traffic stops

Traffic complaint 3357 N Hwy 18 S


Three security checks

Crash with injury Hwy 128

Fourteen security checks

Traffic complaint Hwy 128/Wyoming

Animal at large 1200 S 3rd St

Traffic complaint Hwy 18

Animal at large 607 S 6th St

Medical (other) 3421 N Hwy 18 S

Driving test

Driving test

Courtesy hold 3421 N Hwy 18 S

Traffic stop

Animal at large Hwy 128 and Delaware Basin Rd

Courtesy hold 3421 N Hwy 18 S

Animal at large 810 W Hackberry

Crash with property damage Kansas and Hwy 18

Traffic stop

Suspicious activity Jal baseball field

Two traffic stops

Alarm 610 S 5th St

Animal at large 607 S 6th St

Motorist assist Hwy 18 and Whitworth

Welfare check

Traffic complaint Hwy 128 MM 57

Traffic complaint Kansas and Hwy 18

Animal problem 117 N 8th St

Traffic violation Hwy 128 MM 55

Fire (other) 23 General Camp D

Follow up 117 N 8th St

Theft 3421 N Hwy 18 S

Motorist assist 100 W Curry Ave

Suspicious activity General Camp C12

Traffic stop

Crash with property damage 410 E Kansas Ave


Twenty security checks

Four traffic stops

Utility problem (0ther) Kansas and 1st

Traffic stop

Welfare check 106 S 8th St

Eight traffic stops

Abandoned vehicle Hwy 18/128

Citizen assist Hwy 128 MM 53

Four traffic stops

Animal at large Hwy 18 Plant 3

Traffic stop

Drunkenness Hwy 18 S

Six traffic stops

Animal at large 117 N 8th St

Three traffic stops

Crash with property damage Red Rd


Two traffic stops

Animal at large 110 W Kansas Ave

Traffic stop

Traffic complaint Hwy 128

Motorist assist 3rd and Merryman

Traffic stop

Noise complaint 3rd and Minnesota

Traffic complaint Hwy 128

Motorist assist 3rd and Merryman

Traffic stop

Noise complaint 3rd and Minnesota

Traffic complaint Hwy 128

Motorist assist Hwy 18/Whitworth

Animal at large Country Club

Four traffic stops

Drunkenness Hwy 18

Three traffic stops


Citizen assist 450 S 6th St

Seventeen security checks

Four traffic stops

Animal at large Country Club Rd

Motorist assist Hwy 128/Continental

Motorist assist 110 W Kansas Ave

Two traffic stops

Welfare check 522 S 5th St

Traffic stop

Traffic complaint Hwy 128

Three traffic stops

Animal problem E 14 General Camp

Suspicious activity 624 S 4th St