Jal Record


School Staff Receive CPR/First Aid Training

by John Earp

Last week, Jal School District staff participated in CPR/First Aid training by the staff of Jal Emergency Medical Services (EMS). According to Superintendent Brian Snider, all school staff are required to be certified in CPR and first aid, with training sessions being held at the beginning of each school year. This year, nearly 40 staff members participated and received their certification either for the first time or were recertified by completing the training. Jal EMS Chief Whitney Moody headed up the training, which included things like how to tell if someone needs CPR, how to administer it, how to delegate others to call for help if possible, how to perform CPR on infants and children, as well as basic first aid practices. Jal EMS staff assisted in the hands-on aspects of the training, showing Jal Schools staff how to perform chest compressions as well as respirations on practice dummies.